Junco, Cardinal
blue, red
flitting at the feeder
in the swaying,
cedar, sombre evergreen
They flutter
between branches,
red, blue
on green, white
where winds lose,
their bite.
This shelter
these seeds
bounty, there, or not.
These winter birds,
so like angels,
built for flight
but no right
or wrong to wrestle,
just this feeder,
these cedars
this stark, snow world
the fragile, singing life
in it.
Carol Casey lives in Blyth, Ontario, Canada. Her work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and has appeared in The Prairie Journal,The Anti-Langourous Project, Please See Me, Front Porch Review, Cypress, Vita Brevis, Blue Unicorn, InScribe Journal and others, including a number of anthologies, most recently, Rearing in the Rearview (Quillkeepers) and Byline Legacies (Cardigan Press).
Facebook: @ccaseypoetry; Twitter: @ccasey_carol; Webpage: https://learnforlifepotential.com/home-2/poetry/