Caught off guard by the question, I blurt the first thing that comes to mind: that I believe the twelve-to-six curveball is by far the best pitch in baseball, superior to even the 100-mph fastball (especially considering that speed often has an inverse relationship with control); then, blinking back tears, I add that it saddens me, the inability—or unwillingness—of so-called fans of the game to recognize such an obvious fact, but, judging by his puzzled expression, I don’t think that was quite the answer the governor expected when he asked me to tell him something about myself.
Lori Cramer’s short prose has appeared in Fictive Dream,Flash Fiction Magazine, (mac)ro(mic), Unbroken Journal, Whale Road Review, and elsewhere. Her work has been nominated for Best Microfiction. Links to her writing can be found at https://loricramerfiction.wordpress.com. Twitter: @LCramer29.