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Three Poems by A. Rabaduex

Writer: GastropodaGastropoda

after the death of a neighbor kid, I think of Charlotte's Web

in morning sun

a spider meditates

along its lattice

next to my bench

no words

or wisdom threaded

I look again

like a child

at wilted sunflowers

in the garden bed

no such thing as dead – they’re dreaming

of their favorite bees

& the oaks – no dying leaves

they are autumn's brass notes

ringing out in final symphony

but there’s no sign

of what it means to be

without breath

where are the ribbons?

the silky answers shining

light from the corner?

before us

all this


all this

letting go


we don't know

Before the revolution

There is nothing new except what has been

forgotten. -Marie Antoinette

She wanted to be a flower

farmer that first year kneeling

under the birch trees

on Evergreen Drive.

300 bulbs –

each a dirty prayer

a messy birth, a hope

that beauty can atone

for ripping into earth.

Loud rows, tulips

angry red.

Morning and night

it rained

but it was never enough.

If they are hungry

she thought

let them eat the sun.

The time I ate a flower

I pulled it from a yellow

birthday cake

pansy sugared purple

the way I try to be

it's in the voice

extra honey in

please but

I'd whittle my tongue

before I'd call a stranger sweetie

I can't


sage in the front yard

songbirds keep eating seeds

chickens prefer meat

once the hens picked apart a skink

in front of my son

he was three

a lover of dinosaurs anything green


his favorite color was hemoglobin

he wanted horror films

instead of fossils

either way, bones are displayed

seasons change

now he likes blue

now woolly bear caterpillars

rush into trees

cold weather mystics

they claim

winter will be long

the road's their attempt at escape

I veer around them

to spare at least one thing

winter plea-se

don't bite

the flower was tissue

in my teeth

the flavor was the end

of spring


A. Rabaduex is a veteran, having translated Russian and worked as a paralegal for the Air Force for 7 (mostly fun) years. She now works as an adjunct professor teaching ethnographic writing and basic writing. Her poems are inspired by pantheism and etymology. Her most recent writing successes include winning contests in Causeway Lit, American Writers Review, and Sand Hills Lit, as well as being nominated for the first time for a Pushcart Prize by Gyroscope Review.



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