endings / beginnings / no things / all things / losing weight / losing mass / losing being / finding your feet / finding the floor / finding the ground / finding yourself / coastal shelf / shore line / silver mine / silver tone / gold tone / one at a time / two in one / right one / wrong one / wronged one / rung on rung / right rhyme / right time / right way / u-turn / you turn / you / youth / death / breadth / wealth / dearth / worth / clear as a bell / clear sight / clear skies / clear eyes / in your eyes / in my eyes / yes / say yes
glossolalia of this unbeliever
I am doing it I
am, yes, I am,
this way - it is this
way as it is always -
for all and for and
for me too, but for
me is my own, but for me
is happening, yes is
as it always is. as
if I am doing it. I, if
I am I am if I am I am
I. (i.)
The flat taut cloth of undyed woolen winter unravels at its edges into tangled birdsong - dipped April blue - yes, knots and whorls, yes - such ecstatic devotionals as are such marigolds, such odorous o-daylilies!
(vs interior
soil at-heave
throwing clods,
unburying my
worms, my
dirtiest dirty
roots and
then - past -)

Kate Strong Stadt is a former children’s librarian turned knowledge worker. Recently, her poems have been published in Iron Horse Review, The Collidescope, and Sparked Literary Magazine. Her latest obsession is blacksmithing.