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May 11, 20221 min read
Plummet by Emily Benson
I leap from the edge of the marble quarry. Through the woodsmoke I fall; through the sea of stars beyond your eyes; through the rain as I...
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May 8, 20222 min read
Chlorine Kiss by Holly Hagman
The summer air is hot and damp as the sun disappears behind the faded fence posts in the shadows of the backyard. I revel in the sounds:...
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May 4, 20222 min read
Three Poems by Kate Strong Stadt
versus/verse endings / beginnings / no things / all things / losing weight / losing mass / losing being / finding your feet / finding the...
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May 1, 20223 min read
Plan for Going to a Music Festival with Generalized Anxiety Disorder by Annie Marhefka
If you ask a person without generalized anxiety disorder how they plan for a music festival, they say things like: “Wear layers in case...
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Apr 27, 20221 min read
Two Poems by McCaela Prentice
HONEYMOON everything smells like honeysuckle at the wedding and I think what it must be to love like leaving a tab open or a thrown...
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Apr 24, 20222 min read
Brown girl in the circus by Swetha Amit
Those curious eyes. Their scrutiny. The gaze follows me as I walk to my desk. The teacher announces my arrival. The new girl in fifth...
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Apr 20, 20221 min read
Medusa by Yue Chen
The black iris dribbling down the fencepost. Don’t lie to me—I know you’ve seen it, too, soft moss & wet carpet of autumnal blood. Don’t...
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Apr 17, 20222 min read
Skin by Alyson Tait
Her skin was gray, hidden among the shallow water and rocks. Its smooth texture slid underneath the grains of sand, swimming with each...
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Apr 13, 20223 min read
Three Poems by Samari Zysk
the birds, the birds for aster, what i think of around you – wings rushing up in a massive unfolding, reshaping. we all relearn as adults...
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Apr 10, 20222 min read
O by Wendy Newbury
They appeared in kaleidoscope colors, in the form of Siamese fighting fish, gliding about the room, performing graceful pirouettes. She’d...
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Apr 6, 20221 min read
songs for swallowing rocks to by Clement Obropta
without my therapist telling me to do so i realized that this whole “being sad and borderline suicidal and hopelessly in love” thing was...
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Apr 3, 20222 min read
A Girl, a Nun, and a Principal Walk into a Cafeteria by Sara Dobbie
Sounds like a joke, right? Girl walks into the cafeteria, the seniors by the door laugh at her. It’s out-of-uniform day, so everyone is...
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Mar 30, 20221 min read
anatomy of a six and a half year old fox by JY Kim
Inspired from Fantastic Mr. Fox perhaps poverty was not what confined me to a life of sewage in the foundations that i destroyed with...
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Mar 27, 20223 min read
Six Lipsticks by Slawka G. Scarso
Avon Berry Nice Your first lipstick is a gloss and tastes of strawberries. The moment you apply it, you start to lick, lick, lick, till...
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Mar 23, 20221 min read
Birds at the Feeder by Carol Casey
Junco, Cardinal blue, red flitting at the feeder in the swaying, cedar, sombre evergreen winter-clad. They flutter between branches, red,...
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Mar 20, 20221 min read
Eve by Katie Holloway
The globe of the fruit glistened before her, an orb of promise and potential, of passion, power and something she couldn’t yet name, but...
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Mar 15, 20221 min read
a thicket of weeds by nat raum
nat raum (b.1996) is a queer disabled artist and writer currently working towards their mfa at the university of baltimore. their work is...
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Mar 13, 20223 min read
Playing With Sticks by Pete Sheild
All our arbor ancestors arrived long before her house was built. Long before any of these houses were built. We went about our seasons...
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Mar 9, 20222 min read
Three Poems by A. Rabaduex
after the death of a neighbor kid, I think of Charlotte's Web in morning sun a spider meditates along its lattice next to my bench no...
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Mar 6, 20224 min read
Un café by Sabina Y. Wong
Today reminds me of my first time. That day, the sky was gray, where strong breezes made my neighbor's tall bushes undulate like we were...
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